Baroness Book Trove
Can Nara see her full potential in time?
Looking for Dei by David A. Willson is such an excellent book once I was able to really get into the book. I had a bit of a hard time getting into it. This book is a young adult fantasy. It is in its own world but one that has had a rough time. In this book, we have had a lot of different point of views but written in the third-person point of view which I love. Also, it is separated into three parts that start off with a bit of scripture from within this world that tells a lot about that part.
Good Guys
First, I think I will do the good guys first. For those, we have Bylo Dell, Nara Dell, and Mykel Aragos.
Bylo Dell
Bylo Dell is the adopted father of Nara Dell. He is a pretty good character and really does care about Nara. He wants to protect her from everyone that will cause her harm or want to use her magic for something different.
Nara Dell
Nara Dell is the main female character and she is a wonderful character. At first, she is a naïve, stubborn, but nice character. Although throughout the book, she has good character development which really helped make it an awesome book. I like her character and I can’t wait to read the next book.
Mykel Aragos
Mykel Aragos is the main male character and he is a wonderful character as well. He still has some insecurities throughout the book especially about the way he looks. I have to say that he is a great character who really does like Nara but doesn’t think that she likes him like that. The two of them have grown a lot through the book especially in terms of learning about magic.
Evil Dudes
The next group will be the evil guys. For those, we have Nikolas Vorick, Zebadiah Cross, and Kayna Vorick.
Nikolas Vorick
Nikolas Vorick is the first bad guy that we met. We learn about his past and the reason why he is the way he is. He is a really bad guy that just wants more magic, money, and power. By power, I mean more influence over the people than he already has.
Zebadiah Cross
Zebadiah Cross is more the evil henchman of Nikolas Vorick’s. He is the main general that Nikolas Vorick uses a lot. For either war or for capturing people. The reasoning for that is he is hard to kill. He also doesn’t care about what his men do after a war is over. They are allowed to do as they please to anyone that is still alive. He and this practice are very terrible and not good.
Kayna Vorick
Kayna Vorick is another character that we don’t really know much about except that she is more wicked than the first two characters. Which isn’t good at all. She is the twin to Nara Dell and she just wants more power and to rule.
Neutral Ones
The last group will be the neutral guys. For those, we have Amos Dak, Gwyn Khoury, Father Taylor, and Anne.
Amos Dak
Amos Dak is a neutral character and one that we really only have one chapter of. He seems like a nice character and a very joyful one. Everyone just loves to gather at his place to be near him because of how he is.
Gwyn Khoury
Gwyn Khoury is the second neutral character. She is another character that has a ton of character development throughout the book. Which I love so much. Gwyn is such an interesting character.
Father Taylor
Father Taylor is the third neutral character and we don’t really see much of him once the three good guys move on. He is with the church in the book (hence Father) and is a good quality character. Father Taylor only wants what is best for the people in Dimmitt.
Anne is the last neutral character and the main neutral character. She tries not to do much but be a teacher to the people that need it. She wants to teach because she knows that she can’t actually do much at all.
Five Stars
Looking for Dei by David A. Willson is another great book that I couldn’t put down once I got really into it. A lot has happened since what happened in Dimmitt to them escaping. It’s an awesome book and one that has a sort of cliffhanger at the end. It’s still worth reading especially if you like this genre. I am giving this book five stars although I did take it down a star as I was reading at the beginning but once we got further along in the book it came back to being five stars. Mr. Willson is a great author and I hope he continues to write.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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