Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 27, 2020
Will Zepharius remember her world the way it used to be?
Zepharius is our main female protagonist and the one that we see this world through her eyes. Well, if you can call them her eyes. Zepharius is apart of an alien race on a different planet in a different solar system. She is one of many kids in her mom's life, and they were living peacefully until something strange happened that changed it all.
There isn't much that I like or dislike this character. Zepharius is different from other protagonists I met in books.
The Story
The story in this book is a lot different than what I excepted. In Zepharius, we time skipped a lot in terms of years and only got to know a little bit about each thing before the story takes off. There is so much going on in this story. I think that the author was trying to fit in too much into the beginning book. I would have liked to have known how old Zepharius was, in the beginning, to understand how old she was after she was done with the Instructional course and then how old she was when the story jumps right back in.
Two Stars
Zepharius: Volume 1 by Mel Synder is a different story than I thought it would be, and it fell short of my expectations. I sadly wanted to like this book a lot more than what I did, but I am giving it a two-star rating and only recommending it to people that enjoy science fiction books.
Zepharius (so far)
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Zepharius: Volume 1 by Mel Synder.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove