Written on Aug 20, 2018
About Fresh Ink:
About the Fresh Ink Authors:
I can't include the usual info about all the authors. It'd take up waaaaay too much room and people would be pissed at all the scrolling. So here's the names linking to Goodreads:
Eric Gansworth, Walter Dean Myers, Daniel José Older, Thien Pham, Jason Reynolds, Gene Luen Yang, Sharon G. Flake, Schuyler Bailar, Aminah Mae Safi
IMHO: Fresh Ink Anthology:
This is a great anthology. Very easy to slip into and keeps your attention. I think it'll work great for reluctant readers, those uninitiated to non-white, non-hetero stories as an introduction, and of course for current fans wanting more of their favorite authors.
I had my 11 year old daughter read a few, like Don't Pass Me By and Catch, Pull, Drive. She gives her own two thumbs up too.
I really, really hope there are more anthologies like this forthcoming. To keep myself from giving it all away and rambling here's some...
mini-reviews of my favorites:
Catch, Pull, Drive by Schuyler Bailar - I so want this as a full novel. Hopefully Bailar will have more releases soon! I'll be checking for them :D 🤩🤩
Why I Learned to Cook by Sara Farizan is super fucking sweet and adorable. 😍😍
Tags by Walter Dean Myers....😭✊Rest in Power.
Don't Pass Me By by Eric Gansworth - Way to go Hubert!!! 😊😊😊
Super Human by Nicola Yoon -This last story, the last sentence has haunted me since I finished. ☠️👻
The Story MCs breakdown:
- 4 black stories - 3 straight boys and 1 straight girl
- Trans* boy
- American Native boy
- 2 f/f stories both POC - one Iranian MC, and one with Asian and Black Americans
- Muslim immigrant m/w story - countries of origin not discussed
- Filipino girl
- Afro-Latinx man and woman
- Japanese boy
Most of the supporting characters and love interests are from marginalized communities as well.
There's one gaslamp fantasy, one historical, one superhero and the rest are contemporary, including the play and the comic. Most are about crushes and heartbreak, relationships and romance, while one is about hate crimes on a college campus, and another is about a homeless kid chasing his dreams.
Giveaway of Fresh Ink Anthology:
3 winners will win a finished copy of FRESH INK US Only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Fresh Ink Tour Schedule:
This review was originally posted on The Layaway Dragon