Written on Oct 21, 2013
This story follows Georgia and Zander as they go from class to class, from country to country and fall in love. Georgia proposes to her boyfriend Daniel on air as part of a Valentine’s day promotion that Zander is producing for his radio station and when her boyfriend rejects her proposal, Georgia is devasted…and humiliated.
After Georgia walks out of the radio station, she plans to hide in her lab and work for the next two years until everything blows over. She plans to work at night and over the weekend so that she wouldn’t have to see anyone or talk to anyone outside of her best friend, who just happens to be Daniel’s sister. When she hears from Zander Rush, the producer of the radio station that she foolishly got swept along in, her initial instinct is to run far away from any offer he has but of course that doesn’t happen.
She signs up for a year of Georgia with the money that they would have used on her wedding. She signs up for cooking classes, salsa classes and Zander’s station covers the charges of all of this because they’re tagging along on Georgia’s new adventures to find herself, to find a new happiness and reporting on them on the station.
This was a quick read, one that I enjoyed. I liked getting to know both characters and I liked watching them grow closer together through their shared experiences in the classes and the struggle to keep things professional came off real and overall, this was a good story. I will definitely keep my eye out on more books by Nikki Logan.