Cocktails and Books
In the emotional and somewhat nerve-wrecking ending to Liz and Sam's story, I found myself incredibly torn about whether or not these two could overcome all the obstacles in their way. You can feel the love these two characters had for each other. It was almost as if their love was a secondary character in the story. It was always there, peeking around a corner, waving a flag, saying "here I am, but I don't think I want to get mixed up in that," pointing at the mess that always seemed to be between Sam and Liz. The mess was epic, was a result of some disturbed individuals, but also because of Liz and Sam themselves.
Liz and Sam are perfect for each other, but they have in incredibly annoying knack of letting others determine what they should do and they both can't quite seem to bring up things that are important in a relationship. They're both quick to believe the worst in the other and then beg for forgiveness when they realize they were wrong. And as heartbreaking as it was to follow these two and their inability to get it together, it was also frustrating. I often found myself yelling at my kindle, telling Liz to stop being a freaking doormat or demanding Sam grow some freaking balls and stop the insanity. The eventually get it right, but it's a roller coaster of an emotional ride that had me making all sorts of deals with my kindle hoping it would end as I want.
Another fabulous book revolving around the characters of New Hope. Lexi Ryan, knows how to write a story that can drive me over the edge and then just when I'm about to give up all hope, make me believe in the hero and heroine again.