Written on Mar 10, 2017
“There are moments in your life when you know everything is about to change. Time isn't whizzing by, your mind isn't in a blur, you're in it, living it, and you know, consciously, that your world will never be the same again. You will never be the same again.”
Anastasia is one of those characters that is very real about her situation and actually acts like a teenager when it comes to dealing with losing her parents and having a sister that is presumed to be dead. She does what most people would do and because of that I loved her as a character. Then we also have her new legal guardian who does everything she can to protect her, all while trying to get her out of her funk and to move on as best as she can.
This all starts to change though when new evidence shows her sister was up to something before she was presumed dead, that leads Anastasia to start an investigation of her own. With the help of her legal guardian a friend and her parents old boss Anastasia starts learning what really happened to her sister, and what exactly her parents were involved in. Anastasia learns that things weren't what she always thought and that in all actuality all of the moves and the secrets her parents kept weren't normal. The jokes her and her sister always said about their parents being spy's might actually be true.
The relationships and friendships the main character makes are so nice to see in a young adult novel, and as for the "love" interest she doesn't let it cloud her judgment most of the time. She puts it to the side, mostly due to interruptions, but even if she wasn't interrupted in these moments. I have no doubt that she wouldn't just put it to the side once again in order to make sure that she finds her sister and doesn't let her down.
Compared to the other YA thriller spy book I read this year The Cruelty this book is far better. Not only does the character actually act her age and struggle with being involved in this new world. She also has people she can actually rely on and listened to her.
I honestly can't wait for the next book in this series to come out to see what happens next to Anastasia and how she continues to deal with her new world!
Thank you to YAReads and Netgalley for an e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.
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