Written on Oct 31, 2013
This story follows four sorority sisters as they make their way through their college years back in the 70’s and then follows them after their college years. It shows how their friendships started, how they were tested and then how they lasted. I’ve never been in a sorority so it was really cool to read this story and live the Greek life vicariously through Ellen, Karen, Diane and Laurie. Throughout this story, we get to live vicariously through these four women. We see them go through the ups and downs of being in love in college. We see them through different boyfriends, through cat fights and laughter. Through it all, they’re all there for each other.
I loved it.
I wanted to be friends with each of these women. I wanted to hug them close when they got their hearts broken by their boyfriends. I wanted to smack some damn sense into them when they were being buttheads and I wanted to rush across town to hold their hands when they needed me to. Over the course of this book, I got really close to each girl and wanted the best for each of them. I came to love them throughout the book and I thought Welch did a great job of making the reader come to care about these characters. Each women went through different trials in their lives, they came from different backgrounds and yet, they were all such close friends that I wanted in on their friendship. I wanted to be a part of it all.
I can’t really say which woman I connected with the most because I connected with all of them for different reasons. I really enjoyed getting to know each woman. I loved how fiercely Ellen loved each of her sisters. I loved Karen’s code of honor when it came to her friends. I loved getting to know the Diane that nobody saw and I wanted so much for Laurie to find her place in this big ol’ world. I loved that even when they fought, they all cared and I really loved how this book ended. No matter what they went through, they were never alone. Even when the other girls didn’t approve of what was going on in each other’s lives, they were never alone and they were always loved.
This is a story about friendship and about a sisterly bond that is stronger than anything in the world. It’s a story that brings sisters together and makes you grateful and blessed for the sisters you have in your life, whether they’re your real sister or not. I really enjoyed this story and I definitely recommend this book to well, everyone. All of my sisters. =)