Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on Aug 26, 2014
"I have since learned that thin ice is not only a condition of winter, not confined to stretches of frozen water. There is thin ice everywhere--between lovers and friends, between reality and obsession, between hope and despair."
The quote also probably explains why even though none of the stories in this collection are especially happy; they are not extremely depressing either. Each story was like getting a glimpse into some poor soul's life, almost like a commercial or snapshot, and then stepping away. Each snapshot was fully told and I could move on and I believe the characters moved on, for better or for worse.
My favorite stories in the collection
"Alice in Wonderland": I had a chance to review this story earlier this year. Read my full review.
"The Clock": The poor husband in this story gets his revenge. It reminded me of some of the episodes of The Twilight Zone.
"Exit Row": Oh, the horrors of flying and being stuck with someone you hate! How would you escape?
Overall, I would give Traveling Left of Center by Nancie Christie a thumbs up. While I liked some stories better than others, each story is unique, well-rounded and gives a tantalizing peak into difficulties of the human condition.