Written on Jul 23, 2015
Consumed by You is my least favorite of the three, but that's not really saying too much because it was still good! Our final firefighter bachelor is Travis, Megan's brother, and he falls for the awesome dog trainer, Cara. They actually have a past, so this was a kind of second chance romance with a side of temporary turned permanent. Everyone can see that these two are still into each other after all these years, but Travis isn't looking to settle down and that's exactly what Cara wants to do. But one night, they can't fight their feelings anymore and agree to a fling while Cara trains his new puppy for the upcoming fireman auction.
I really wish Consumed by You used puppy-Henry more! I was most excited for Cara's book because I expected doggie antics! Sadly, most of her training sessions with Henry are off the page, giving center stage to Cara and Travis' sexy times. I'm certainly not against sexy times, but I really wanted more dogs! Especially at the end! I hoped Henry would play a larger role in Travis' grand gesture in telling Cara how he feels. The little guy is present, but more as a prop. He does get a few funny scenes though, so not all is lost!
Consumed by You was another sexy installment to this series. Cara and Travis do it just about everywhere! Those exhibitionists! The only thing that truly bothered me and affected my rating was that it got repetitive. We're constantly reminded that their fling is just a fling and it has an expiration date, but they both can't get enough and want more, but they can't because it's temporary, and blah blah blah. I like this trope a lot, but I don't need to be beaten over the head with it. All of that could have been replaced with more relationship development. Or puppies.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.