Written on Jul 12, 2014
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting from the book, but I'd been wanting to read it for a little while as it was such a different subject matter to what I normally read. I'm pleased to say that I was not disappointed :)
Pearl's story is heartbreaking and her grief is palpable throughout the novel. I couldn't imagine losing a parent that suddenly and Pearl also had the added burden of being left behind with her stepfather and her new baby sister, his biological daughter. Her feelings of jealousy, fear, hatred and grief were very genuine and not at all gimicky or fake. Pearl also had to deal with learning truths about her mother and her biological father, truths that were completely different to what she'd been told by her mum her whole life. As you can imagine, this was difficult for Pearl and at times she was torn between her desire to honour her mum's memory and the truth. Furniss did a wonderful job of conveying this and I felt such sympathy for Pearl.
Check out the rest of my review here!