Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on Dec 19, 2015
Book two picks up right where book one left off. Toby and his friends are escaping Boston for the relative safety of the New England countryside. For me personally, I wish that there had been more of a recap of the events in book one at the start. I have a shoddy memory and The Witching Elm was the second book I read in 2015 so I was really stretching myself to recall the all the key events.
That's not to say I didn't enjoy A Witch's Feast. There is a lot of action and a crazy, creepy cult. More political maneuverings and commentary about who has the right to wield the power of magic. There are some big topics up for discussion in this book and the kids in the story don't take them lightly.
Just like book one, book two ends with a cliffhanger. I'm not sure what is next for Toby, Fiona and Thomas, but I hope they come out of their next adventure alive with their sense of humor in tact.
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews