Written on Apr 21, 2014
The story's pace is fast and amazing in some places and in other places it began to drag and I was a little boring. But the beginning and the ending of the story makes you want to turn the pages trying to figure out what is going to happen next. The story starts of with Jenna in a male prison using her bad-ass fighting skills to defend herself against any creep that comes her way, until she is broken out of prison and after a while goes on the run. Towards the middle the book begins to drag, especially towards that certain part when it doesn't do much to the plot of the story. (You'll probably understand what I'm talking about when you read it.)
I felt that Jenna and her love interest didn't really show a whole load of chemistry before that slap-bang moment nearly happened. It felt a little out of the blue, kind of like an insta love sort of thing.
The world building that you want in a futuristic Dystopia novel was a little lacking, but the Dystopia effect of controlling leaders or organisation and a rebel against them was there.
I loved Jenna's bad-ass personality, the plot and the Dystopian rebellion aspect. I felt that towards the middle the book began to drag, information that didn't add anything to the plot was put into the novel and even although I thought the love interest was cute, their relationship felt a tad bit 'out of the blue'.