Written on Jan 1, 2020
Now, the world of the Vampyr in Tessa Dawn's series is vastly different than what I am used to. There is a great world build up, there is a hell of a lot of "blow your mind" shit going down, and our poor males are created by a 'blood curse' in 800BC or so.
Ergo they are cursed, very much similar to "one by darkness and one by light" in the Underworld saga hehe. Though Lycan's do exist and are known as 'hunters' in the 'Blood Curse' series, they are not the only sworn enemy of the 'light' Vampyr.
There are two different kinds of Vampires. The 'light' whom still have souls, day-walkers and wait an eternity for their 'destined mates' or 'destinies' - these are women, created by the Celestial Gods - through destiny - to be born at some point in time for our friendly Vampires to meet, fuck, transform - and then sire offspring with.
The catch? Offspring are born in twos - one twin of light (firstborn), one of darkness. And to please the very very angry dead females of the race - they must sacrifice the dark infant after he is born.
If they do not do this within the time period of the 'blood moon' which is the sign in the sky that also lights up a male's own constellation and is the sign that he has found his 'destiny' - he will die after 30 days.
It's all very tragic.
Now the particular family we first meet is the Silivasi brothers, and Nathaniel is his name...ok so he's our main hunk. With his black shiny hair, so black it looks to have blue streaks in it, and dark eyes....*mmmmm* and his body to die for.....*mmmmm*
And ofc his Destiny. Jocelyn Levi. Whom I frankly hated with a passion for most of the book. haha.
I just can't stand the drama she was causing. A never ending drama - I get it- I get it - Nathaniel is a scary guy - and yeh by the descriptions I can imagine it was a bit scary, I mean... they are super dominant. Super MALE. Very in tune with their inner beast. They have a very very ooooold world view of things and conduct - what do you expect from people who are nearly 2 000 years old and warriors. And yes maybe the elements do tend to wreck havoc on the land when they let their emotions get to them - but still...there's no need to fuss over it. It's not like he was ever dangerous TO YOU...gah.
She just really over played the 'love you - hate you - trust you - trust you not' petals a bit too much for my liking.
Poor Nathaniel - at times I was really hurting for him having to put up with this woman!
The fighting is awesome though! And there is gore....oh there is goooooreee!!!
Just thinking about Nathaniel doing *exactly* what he said he would do to a bad guy has me bumping it up to 4*.
All in all - I like the book, it's got potential and I did buy the 2nd one, because I am that sort of person who - when there are multiple books in a series - will try and give it more chances. Sometimes the first book just isn't the best for a series you know?
We learn a lot about the background, there is a good introductions that lets us understand what exactly this blood curse is - I do have small issues with the fact that mountains cleave open when the oldest brother lets himself grieve - but that has more to do with me not being sold on the whole "'celestial being' - descendants of Gods - so hey our emotions turn the universe and cause disasters - sue me."
I can see why she's got good reviews though - this was the first book I ever read by the author and her writing is indeed good. It's easy flowing - I just struggle a little bit with the world because it's so incredibly different than what I'm used to. But that's on me!
So 4* and I'll see you in [b:Blood Awakening|11030236|Blood Awakening (Blood Curse, #2)|Tessa Dawn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1309995002l/11030236._SY75_.jpg|15950094] !