The first of a new series for BBC1, "Junior MasterChef" follows the pattern of its senior counterpart but with children as the contestants. Aged between 10-16, they compete in nine regional finals, three semi-finals and a grand final for the title of Junior MasterChef. All the recipes followed in these heats can be found in the book. Set in the same kitchens as MasterChef, each contestant has to cook two courses a main course and a pudding - for him/herself and an adult - in just 90 minutes. Illustrated with photographs of some of the best dishes, each recipe is laid out using clear, step-by-step instructions, and gives hints and tips for the not-so-experienced cook.
- ISBN10 0091806682
- ISBN13 9780091806682
- Publish Date 23 October 1995 (first published 14 November 1994)
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 23 April 2014
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher Ebury Publishing
- Imprint Vermilion
- Format Paperback
- Pages 160
- Language English