Written on May 25, 2019
The time had arrived. Indigo's twin sister, Violet, would be "dying with dignity", and in a last ditch attempt, Indigo called out to God to allow her sister to live. What she didn't expect was for God to answer back. A family road trip resulted from her talks with God, and this road trip turned out to be an enlightening and healing journey for the entire family.
Beware, this book was pretty sad. It was about a family taking their final journey together as a whole unit. One child had attempted suicide, the other was terminally ill and committed to "dying with dignity". BUT, I will say that the book had bright spots to help me make to the end of this story. Though it was about one life ending, it was also about the love this family had for each other.
The two issues, which intrigued me the most in this book were the idea of what it is to "live" and the right to die. This was not the first book I read this year, which dealt with a terminally ill teen, who desired to chose when and how their life would end, and I appreciate seeing more of this in YA, because it is a bitter reality, that there are many young people with terminal illnesses. And, I love that Davis peppered their journey with some many wonderful memory making moments. I needed that for this family. I needed them to have more, than their sick daughter in a bed taking her final "rest".
I won't pretend I wasn't blubbering as I read this book, but I also felt hopeful for this family. Though the road trip was riddled with setbacks and snafus, there were quite a few beautiful moments shared between Indigo and her family from which they gained a better understanding of themselves and each other.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.