Written on Mar 14, 2018
Sarah Curtis is back to her old tricks and, unfortunately, the men of the world will be paying for her misdeeds. See, Ms Curtis has filled us with false hope. She creates these mythical characters and we can’t help but dream that we’ll find our own…Perfect Hero. Well, “our” is probably making a huge generalisation, but there would be a lot of people who would agree that Nate is pretty bloody close to being perfect.
Nate is a movie star who is sick of the glamour and fame. He’s ready for a change and looking for any excuse to walk away. Then, Victoria hits the set as his new leading lady and working doesn’t seem so bad after all. Nate sees the chance to make her his and once he has her, he decides to keep her. For some reason, Victoria is different to all the other women he has previously dated. With a little patience and perseverance, Nate hopes to convince Victoria that he’s worth taking a chance on.
Victoria is seriously attracted to her leading man but hesitant to take any relationship with a co-star too seriously. This industry does bad things to relationships and Victoria wants her heart to stay intact. It’s not long before she realises that Nate’s different. For one thing, he’s really possessive and a touch bossy when it comes to her safety. Sure, it’s kind of sweet, but it can be a little overwhelming too.
I think Nate and Victoria’s relationship was strengthened by both of them being in the industry. They know the highs and lows that are attached to fame and fortune. Stalker fans, demanding managers and long hours on set make it almost impossible to be normal. Someone is always watching you and they may have a camera trained or phone recording anything you do or say. Nothing is private.
Wow, Full House was STEAMY!! I’d even go so far as to say it’s a little kinky too. The connection between Nate and Victoria jumped off the pages. You were never in doubt that they were not only physically attracted to each other, they were also mentally compatible. She was patient with his quick temper and he tolerated and laughed at her sarcastic humour. I also think the timing was right for this couple. Two people in the same industry as acting would never be able to mesh their schedules and lives without one missing out. Both Nate and Victoria were willing to sacrifice and make adjustments to see the other one happy.
Full House was a sweet love story with a little intrigue thrown in for good measure. I’ll be honest and say that the baddie was on my radar from the beginning, but, there were also a handful of other contenders that could have filled the place. We get to visit a movie set and see how the rich and famous live. I think Nate and Victoria were exceptions to the rule though, these two were a wee bit more down to earth than I would imagine movie stars to be.
As I said above, Sarah Curtis has done an injustice to men when she creates heroes like Nate. It gives women false hope of finding a Mr Right of this exceptional calibre. Nate is HOT, bossy, HOT, sweet, HOT, sexy, HOT and possessive. Seriously, if Nate was real, we’d need to clone him.
I think this was Sarah Curtis’s best work up to date…but I’m pretty sure I said that with her last release. Nothing better than finding an author who improves with each story. I will definitely be coming back for more.
Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.