This is one of those series I keep reading out of loyalty to the love I have for the first few. They're still good, but they're not the great they used to be. Cozy morality tales for adults, these would play so much better of the MC Lori didn't have to be such a blooming idiot in order for the author to make her point. How are you independently wealthy with advance degrees, live in the UK for 10 years and not know what "freehold" property is?
Still, I'm addicted to the village of Finch and the incredible secondary characters Atherton creates. I'd give a lot to live in a village with the Summer King; he's exactly what I'd love to be when I grow up.
I'll keep reading these, but I have to resign myself to the author turning her protagonist into a simpleton, I suppose. It's worth the price to keep visiting everyone else in Finch.