Written on Oct 27, 2019
According to Goodreads, there’s nothing to indicate that I read the first four Original Sinners books this summer and have the next four lined up. This is not surprising as my spreadsheet tells me I’ve read 185 books so far this year and Goodreads only has reviews for 85 of them. I’m way behind. I’m also still trying to process how good the books are and what to say about them. But on my recent trip to the mountains, I read through the stack of books I packed quicker than intended and luckily had this ebook on my phone in case of emergency.
It was worth skipping to this one. It’s kinda standalone, but the first four books are necessary for context, IMO. (Especially The Prince.) And if the next four turn out to be necessary too, then it’s not going to be a trial to re-read it. I have a feeling that will happen regardless.
I wish more books made me laugh as much as Reisz’s books do. I wish more erotica felt so healthy and joyful. Young Kingsley is everything I wanted young Kingsley to be.