Written on Mar 29, 2019
My rating is 4.5 stars
I enjoyed the way wisdom from Lizzie’s father was remembered and shared by her and others in the troupe fairly regularly, showing how much of an impact he had on their lives. He would have been the kind of man that I would enjoy knowing. The spiritual inheritance he left behind was a legacy that was given to his family, friends, and all who had come to know him.
Lizzie loved poetry. Her horses were named after her favorite poets, Longfellow and Thoreau. While this might not have been unusual for a woman at the turn of the twentieth century, the fact that she was a trick rider certainly was. I really enjoyed the way that she was not afraid to assume a role like that, and yet didn’t come across as one trying to be like a man or challenge men to accept her as an equal. It was simply something she had learned as a child and loved to do.
Lizzie had a strong knowledge of God and yet, like many of us, struggled to make that relationship a reality in her life. In her grief and attempt at not being hurt by the loss of others she loved, she attempted to keep others at arm’s length, including God. She had to travel through her grief to learn that God was always with her and would never leave her alone.
My favorite parts of the book were the rich spiritual truths shared and the obvious heart of the author for sharing her love of the Lord with others. While the story had some mystery and elements of suspense related to Ella’s story, these were secondary to the faith journey Lizzie traveled.
I found the emphasis on Lizzie’s determination to never marry and her reasons were reiterated a few times more than necessary and she seemed to think and behave in a manner that wasn’t consistent with her age of twenty-seven.
While there was a clear “happy ending”, some unresolved issues remained and Ella and Mary were prominent enough in this story that it is clear that the rest of their stories will be told in future books of this series. I’m looking forward to seeing how those play out.
Read my full review with a Preview and Guest Post at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.