Written on Jan 12, 2020
The story is told from two time lines, both from the POV of a twenty-year-old. Both are compelling and both made my heart race as they sent shivers down my spine.
The first time-line is from 1982. Viv Delaney, left home and ended up taking a job as the night desk clerk at the Sun Down Motel in Fells, NY. It wasn’t planned, in fact when she left she told her mother she was headed to NY to become a star, but here she is. Something is wrong at the Sun Down and Viv is scared.
The second time line is present day 2017. Carly Kirk’s mother has just died from cancer and she takes time off from school to learn more about her Aunt Viv. Aunt Viv mysteriously disappeared from Fells, NY in 1982. When she visits, she soon finds herself caught up in same mysteries that haunted her aunt. Will she find answers, or will she disappear too?
The synopsis is vague, and if I am completely honest, I didn’t even read it before reading. I loved the author’s first book that much. I will not give spoilers either. Why ruin the fun! I will tell you there is plenty of mystery and suspense as both girls try to answers questions about the motel and things happening locally. Both are quite clever. There were twists I didn’t see coming, and the paranormal elements were pure perfection. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer