That ending is a proper cliff-hanger and a chilling one if you were on the end of it! I freaking loved it!
You need to read the first book, there is no way around it this time! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Soooooo if you have not read the first one, and plan to…maybe do not read this review?! Just saying. I will try to keep the spoilers to a minimum from book one.
So, In Bloom, it is told in diary form like Sweetpea, but this time it is the countdown to baby due date! We pick up from where the first book finished and Rhiannon picking up where we left her. There is so much going on in this book, which made it so entertaining! I must admit, I missed some of the sparkle from the first book, but life has changed and so it would make sense that Rhiannon, much to her distaste also changes. I love seeing the new obstacles in her life, living with Jim and Elaine, trying to reach out to Seren her sister and what I loved the most was her friendship with Marnie. However, as you can imagine life does not run smoothly in Ms Lewis’ world.
Hoping we see more Marnie in the next book, that would be my wish, she completed Rhiannon and it was nice to see Rhiannon functioning as a “normal” person. She cared, she had feelings. Especially with the baby, and if you listen to the audiobook as I did, the narrator did a fab if somewhat gritty voice for the baby, a great Ray Winston impression!
I enjoyed this book, it was still such a deliciously dark comedy, Rhiannon had a few questionable actions that I did not agree with for once, but she also got the short straw a few times! I loved that we lived her entire pregnancy with her, and the chapters that were just “urgh” made me chuckle. She knows how to make me laugh this one!
One thing I have learned do not betray Sweetpea, she is out for your blood if you do, especially if you are on her kill list you will not escape! And the last 10% of the book as a rollercoaster, the previous 80% was the calm before the epic storm. The storm where it is every man for themselves. I was not expecting it, and I am so excited to see where we go with the next book. Plus, I saw on twitter there will be a tv show of Sweetpea! Excited much over there! (see below for said tweet)
I said it before and will say it again, CJ Skuse has created such a refreshing, tantalising story with exciting characters, it leaves you turning the pages, one-minute chuckling and nodding your head in agreement and the next your mouth is wide open with shock. Epic, it is all I have to say