Written on Apr 1, 2017
A facebook book club decided to read this book so I had it on Scribed and I read it. It has been a couple of weeks since I read it and honestly not much stuck. Maybe I am getting old and maybe it was just an ok book.
I do remember he talked about the upper limit problem. Tat is where we place limits on ourselves because we are scared. This really struck me because I realize that I do this a lot. Like I am afraid people will hate my reviews cause I write them they way I want to and not in a critical way. This is supposed to be fun not a project for grad school. Anyway, I have started to reach out to more bloggers and I am trying to be all fierce in my writing blog and get more clients and all of that. Fear be damned.
I remember liking this book when I read it so I am going with the I am getting old mentality and say that's why it didn't really stick with me.
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land