Written on Jan 18, 2021
Oh wow. This was a freaking ride! I never cease to be amazed how Landy manages to come up with new intriguing content set in a world and featuring characters we are already so familiar with. Events and developments in Death Bringer have been hinted at in previous books but we get a bunch of twists and turns that keep things exciting.
I also really like the character development Landy has going. He isn't focused on keeping everybody likable but instead has organic development that feels realistic. What could I mean by this? Well, Valkyrie isn't exactly the most wonderful person in this novel. She is still pretty badass but also a bit a jerk at times. You know what, she is a teenager. Everybody is an idiot at that stage!
Not giving anything away, but this book promises some more and bigger things in the future. At the same time, it doesn't come across as a novel that just sets the stage. We have a lot going on and it's definitely a fascinating novel. I am beyond psyched to pick up the next installment, to see where Landy will take us next. We have so many great characters with bigger and smaller story-lines that all deserve to be explored. So, I hope we'll get more of that in the next novels - I'm sure they'll all culminate in some spectacular way later on!
My only complaint is that at times the story felt a bit stretched out. Mind you, the book is over 600 pages, so that's to be expected. When a novel is this long, of course, you won't end up liking every little bit. But overall I tremendously enjoyed Death Bringer and am so curious for what is next to come.