Written on Apr 2, 2015
Honestly? I felt the book was rushed. I liked the idea, I liked that Melanie had to get over the fact she wasn't beautiful any more, when beauty was all she knew, and I liked Sam. But the whole insta-love thing was insane. Literally after one conversation, Melanie was high-tailing it out of the rental house to go with him and what followed was just insane. It was too much. TOO MUCH HAPPENED. It wasn't believable enough for me.
You have to read it to believe it, and sadly, I didn't believe it. I didn't understand why Sam and Melanie felt so close, so quick; or what the deal was with Melanie's mom who was a horror and no amount of what transpired changed that opinion for me; she puts Kris Jenner to shame.
This just wasn't the read for me, which was a shame, wanted to love it, but I just didn't.