First Date: I absolutely love the setup for how Tyson and Avery meet. Avery is such a unique, colorful character and I immediately wanted to be her friend. Adair transports us to a resort town in the Sequoia Lake area. You will adore the small-town and Adventure Lodge. Tyson is a member of the Sequoia Elite Mountain Rescue team but is home after hearing the lodge is in trouble. Right away I was pulled into their story from the surprises to the tension.
Second Date: I love small-town series and Adair makes them her own. She introduces secondary characters and offers several threads in addition to the romance. All of them weaved together to create an addictive story that provided a little drama, some laughter, and even a few tears. Tyson has some family issues and guilt to tackle, but I liked him. Mr. Rugged is hot, passionate and a natural protector. I loved seeing his reactions to Avery. Avery has been through a lot, but she simply shines and makes others around her feel her warmth. I love the thread about her journal. The chemistry delivered some off the chart moments.
Third Date: Stir in a little angst, personal growth and leaps of faith into our last date. Break out the truffles and tissues. The last part of the book just pulled at my heartstrings. We see Tyson mend fences and let go of the past. A scene with his father felt so genuine. There were lots of tears. I could not set this story down. The couple faced obstacles and I began to worry about an HEA but have faith. While truffles were needed I ended this date both emotional spent and delighted I picked up It Started With A Kiss. I cannot wait for the next book.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer