You have four seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter. As one seasons dies or ends the more powerful season comes into play and must kill or return to hibernation the previous season. Jack and Fleur are winter and spring, Amber and Julio are autumn and summer. They balance each other and have been told that they can never exist while the other is awake. They way they come into becoming seasons is something tragic happens and they are faced with the choice of life or death. Once they die then they choose someone to become their handler.
This world is unique in that the concept of who seasons end and the new one begins. Their also two other major characters Gia and Chronos. Mother Nature and Farther time if you will. They control what is to come for these seasons , their a whole ranking system, and let lines and battles as our four main characters fight for something more then what they always done since they become seasons. They struggle to figure out what true and what has been glossed over. They are fighting for love, for each other and those that have chosen to join them on this new path. This story at it heart is a tragedy and loss but as the seasons change hope blossoms on the horizon. I excited to see where the story goes. Check out Seasons of Storm June 23, 2020