Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jul 29, 2015
Woot! I am done reading this book! I am really happy that Maggie finally choses between Marcus and Tom and that she chose the one that I liked. Granted it has taken her five books to finally make up her mind but she has finally chosen.
Once again Mrs. Alt has surprised me with who the killer is. I had a feeling though that it was someone with the church this time. I wasn’t too far off with my guessing of who was the murderer. I can’t believe what that person was doing to the people they loved. I won’t tell who the killer is, but still, wow.
I do hate that Melanie, Maggie’s sister told Margo about Marcus, Felicity, and their group of friends being witches. Margo, aka Melanie’s best friend and is Maggie’s arch enemy, then told her husband, who writes a newspaper, and wrote a letter in the newspaper but signed it Anonymous.
After that most of the town was interested in going to the store to see the witches. But mostly to judge as the townspeople are church going people that want to stop Maggie and friends “evil Devil ways.” Then there are ones that just don’t care what the newspaper printed. Granted it did take a little bit of time after the newspaper was out and about before Evie’s mom found out. Once she did Evie was no longer allowed to work there or see Maggie, Tara and Felicity. Of course that’s mostly because Evie hasn’t told her parents about her gift so they don’t see why she is connected to them.
I am giving this book five butterflies because it captured my attention, kept me guessing and I was able to finish it a whole lot faster. Not only that but this story was really good and with each story the characters are growing a little bit more. I especially like the new side of Tara, who I misjudges and she isn’t the polar opposite of Evie as I first assumed.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.