This book actually scared the crap out of me. Maybe because I guess I consider myself spiritual but I also am not so knowledgeable in the area and I've personally had unexplained things happen, that this stuff freaks me out.
The idea of ghosts being residual energy is interesting. But also something that confuses me and doesn't really fit with my beliefs over the subject. I guess it also doesn't fit with my experiences. So I did find it hard to understand the logic at times yet at the same time I did understand. Which contradicts itself and makes no sense. And then near the end I was so freaked out that I had to switch on all the lights at my end of the house as for me just thinking about spirits makes me hyper aware of them in the room. And I can't really handle that.
I would say I enjoyed this book. But this book wasn't a book I could enjoy, but only because of the subject. So I feel silly for wanting to read it. I guess I felt like a thrill, I just forget how this subject does more than thrill for me. I had to finish the book in one night so I knew what happened and wasn't kept up wondering.