In the sixth magical adventure in the new young fiction series from the creators of the Fairytale Hairdresser, the time has come for young Tibben to take the test to become the new Potions Master. But he's going to need some help along the way, and the Emerald Dragon might well have to lend a hand . . . Or a wing!
Perfect for first readers whether reading alone or reading aloud.
This is the sixth book in the enchanting six-book Magic Potions Shop series. Book 1: The Young Apprentice; book 2: The River Horse; book 3: The Blizzard Bear; book 4: The Lightning Pup; book 5: The Fire Bird; book 6: The Emerald Dragon
- ISBN10 1782951946
- ISBN13 9781782951940
- Publish Date 3 August 2017
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Publisher Penguin Random House Children's UK
- Imprint Red Fox
- Format Paperback (B-Format (198x129 mm))
- Pages 128
- Language English