Written on Aug 5, 2011
This book but was amazingly disturbing but kept me so interested! I was constantly on the edge of my seat with my heart pounding. The plot had so many twists and turns and it was just so intense! Everything was just so unexpected!
Even though this book is from a guy’s perspective, don’t think its just for guys.This kid was an awesome narrator who was believable and relatable. Although this book was a bit “out there”, the characters made it believable because they acted like anyone would if they were in that situation. The main character wasn’t an automatic “tough guy” who could handle anything. Don’t get me wrong, this guy was tough, but he still had emotions and was scared out of his wits. He freely admitted he was a pee in his pants kinda guy and who wouldn’t pee in their pants while in furnace?! Heck, I would! And that ending?!?! You can’t end a book like that!!! Cliffhanger alert! Need second book NOW!
While this book is a horror book, I felt it had more of a suspense/thriller feel.
This book is ridiculously creepy on so many levels but don’t let that turn you off. It was an amazingly descriptive book that kept my heart racing even after finishing. However, it might be smart to read this book during the day :)