Written on May 7, 2015
This review has a wee bit of spoilerage so please proceed with caution.
I started this book with high expectations, expecting a really HOT, controlling and dominant man teaching a slightly nerdy girl how to get her groove on. What I got was a man trying to hide feelings behind meaningless sex with women who are willing to pay him for the pleasure of learning how to orgasm...generally speaking. I was then introduced to a striking woman who is a real estate agent in love with one of her best friends. She approaches The Gentleman Mentor (still not getting the title) to learn how to be more appealing to her friend. When Dom meets Briella there is an instant attraction between the couple, but what would normally make me feel like this is a good start was pushed back because it became a business arrangement. He puts up his calm facade so she doesn't get any ideas about him and she battens down her hatches because she can see the potential for her feelings getting hurt.
My main problem with this story was that I didn't want them to have feelings for each other. To start a relationship that is all about sex with no emotions is too clinical for me. To have a dominant and submissive relationship where trust is so integral, shouldn't be started with emotions left at the door.
Some of the sex scenes were definitely steamy, but I struggled to connect with the character which left the scenes a little flat. We get plenty of bossiness from Dom and Brie, who starts the story with an "I'm not a submissive" mentality, soon follows his instruction without question.
We're led to believe that Dom has more than one intimate arrangement going at the same time. This did not leave me with warm and fuzzies, especially considering no protection was used between the couple. Health checks were performed before the relationship starts, but he does not inform her whether she is the only one he is having sex with, so it seems the tests are irrelevant. It's not on in more than one way and not the least bit gentlemanly.
Sadly for me I was a little underwhelmed. It was a well written story with an interesting theme, but maybe I'm getting too old for the emotionless sex storylines that magically turn into love.