Written on Jul 22, 2020
Amy is the main character it seems as she is the one we get to spend the most time with. She becomes the family's rock. She takes care of the business and makes sure that her mom and sister are okay after losing their husbands. All while breaking her pre-courtship with the person she loves.
We do get to see things from the man she was in pre-courtship with, as well as her brother Ezekiel, her mom, and her sister Sylvia.
All of these perspectives show how they each deal with the grief differently, and the struggles they face after.
We also see the perspective of a new neighbor woman named Virginia who seems to want nothing to do with the Amish in general. I didn't really get the point of her perspective honestly. Maybe it's important to the series as a whole of this becomes one, besides that though she just seemed to be filler.
The family business is running a greenhouse and after Amy's father's death things start going missing or get destroyed and the family is trying to figure out who is doing it without having to involve the authorities.
Overall this book left me with more questions than answers. We never learn more about what's happening to the stuff in the greenhouse, nor do we learn why Virginia is an important character. We also have several loose ends when it comes to the family and its future as a lot of it was left up to if they could make it to a certain point on there own without dad around. This might be a series I continue on with, but right now I'm not sure as I never really loved any of the characters.