Con is a dhampire who sits on the Warg Council and also works as a paramedic at Underworld General. He doesn't want to get close to Sin at all. She is the reason he's lost a lot of friends and seen several good people die. The only reason he won't bring Sin in for the Warg Council is that Eidolon needs her to try and find an antidote to the virus now know as Sin Fever.
When the Council takes things out of Con's hands and tries to bring Sin in themselves, Con and Sin must run. The rest of the book is filled with a lot of action. Con and Sin spend a lot of time on the run from various baddies and through it, they learn more about each other than either ever intended to.
My Thoughts:
SQUEEEEE!!!! There. It's out of my system. Sin Undone was an amazing end to the Demonica series! Ione wraps up the story line for the Demonica series nicely and then leaves us with a great cliffhanger for her new series.
The relationship between Sin and Con was awesome. You could feel their chemistry coming across to you as a reader and even more you could feel their avoidance of emotion. Neither one of them wanted to be involved with each other. It is a thing of beauty to watch their relationship grow. In fact at one point I was so in tune with their feelings I had to literally walk away and compose myself before I could go on.
If you have not read this series, it is worth it just to read Sin's story. I cannot suggest strongly enough that you do not miss this series. Seriously, check it out!