Written on Jun 10, 2019
The MC spends a lot of time staring at men and thinking about how hot they all are. Even saying and thinking the words, "down girl" multiple times. Look J.R. Rain, women do enjoy and notice sexiness, but we don't get horny over every single slightly good looking feature on every single man that we see, all day, every day. Seriously, enough.
Through the whole book she is devoted to her kids, though in an odd hands off way. She literally wants to kill her husband for trying to and then actually taking her kids from her - and I don't blame her, I would want to do the same and I am not even a vampire. But then at the very end she chooses her new lover over the chance of maybe getting her kids back.... right, sure thing.
I hated her husband. Seriously hated him, so much that I have strong feelings of hate for the book itself. And sadly, while I think the author is not good at writing women, I will have to trust him when it comes to men.... so it's totally realistic that a man will answer a phone call from his wife, while he is in the middle of having sex with another woman, and continue to have sex with that other woman while talking to his wife on the phone, even when it's obvious she suspects him of having sex during said phone call. She should have killed him, and then immediately killed the person he had set up to blackmail her in case anything happened to him.
I didn't mind the insta love part of it. Sure it's unrealistic and everything, but it seems completely normal to me for a paranormal novel, so it wasn't so bad. I wish there had been more focus on the investigation part of the story though, I was wanting to read a private detective paranormal novel, not a novel about a woman losing her kids to her douche husband.
And yet, despite all the issues, I kind of want to continue the series to see what happens. Will she kill Danny, her husband? Will someone else? Please let him die horribly, please.