41 books
The Treatment of Paper for Special Purposes; A Practical Introduction to the Preparation of Paper Products for a Great Variety of Purposes
Praktische Rezeptbuch Fur Die Gesamte Fett-, Ol-, Seifen- Und Schmiermittel-Industrie
Oil Colours and Printers' Inks; A Practical Handbook Treating of Linseed Oil, Boiled Oil, Paints, Artists' Colours, Lampblack and Printers'
Holz- Und Marmor-Malerei
Animal Fats and Oils, Their Practical Production, Purification and Uses for a Great Variety of Purposes, Their Properties, Falsification and
Die Verarbeitung Des Strohes Zu Geflechten Und Strohhuten, Matten, Flaschenhulsen, Seilen, in Der Papierfabrikation Und Zu Vielen Anderen Zwecken. Ein Hand- Und Hilfsbuch Fur Strohflechtereien, Flechtschulen, Strohhutfabrikanten, Landwirthschaften U...
The Treatment of Paper for Special Purposes
Vegetable Fats and Oils
Animal Fats and Oils
Drying Oils, Boiled Oil, and Solid and Liquid Driers. a Practical Work for Manufacturers of Oils, Varnishes, Printing Inks, Oil-Cloth and
Animal Fats and Oils, Their Practical Production Properties, Falsification and Examination. with 76 Illustrations, Tr. [From the German]
Vegetable Fats and Oils; Their Practical Preparation, Purification, Properties, Adulteration and Examination
Vegetables Fats and Oils Their Practical Preparation, Purification, Properties, Adulteration and Examination
Die Technischen Vollendungs-Arbeiten Der Holz-Industrie, Das Schleifen, Beizen, Poliren, Lackiren, Anstreichen Und Vergolden Des Holzes
Oil Colours and Printers' Inks
Drying Oils, Boiled Oil, and Solid and Diquid Driers.
Iron Corrosion; Anti-Fouling and Anti-Corrosive Paints