307 books • 50 series
Unemployment (Unemployment)
Industrial Trends (Industrial trends)
Money and Finance (Money & finance)
Agricultural Prices (Agricultural prices)
Energy (Energy S.)
Areas under Vines
A EC-Nics Trade
Transport Annual Statistics 1970-1989
Analytical Tables of External Trade - Nimexe Exports, 1989
EC Agricultural Prices
Comparison between Energy Data of the European Community, the United States and Japan for the Year 1988
Social Protection Expenditure and Receipts 1980-1989
Some Statistics on Services - 1988
Quarterly National Accounts - ESA (Quarterly national accounts - ESA)
Crop Production (Crop production)
Social Protection Expenditure and Receipts 1985 <196> 1988
External Trade System of Generalized Tariff Preferences : Imports, 1988
Some Statistics on Services/Quelques Chiffres Sur Les Services (Eurostat: Theme 7, Services & Transport. Series C, Accounts, Surveys & Statistics)
Government Financing of Research and Development 1980 - 1988
Consumer Price Index (Consumer price index)
EC - Latin American Trade 1979-1987
A Bulletin of Energy Prices/Ca-56-89-974-2a-C
Animal Production (Animal Production S.)
Statistical Analysis of Extra-Eur 12 Trade in Hi-Tech Products