307 books • 50 series
EU International Transactions
Economic Portrait of the European Union (Eurostat theme 2: Economy & finance)
Prodcom List
World Migration Report (World Migration Report)
New Enterprises in Central European Countries in 1998
Patterns and Trends in International Migration in Western Europe
Agriculture in the European Union
Push and Pull Factors of International Migration
European Social Statistics
Transport Trends in the Mediterranean Countries
Transport and Environment
Operation of Nuclear Power Stations
Labour Force Survey in Central and East European Countries
Education Across Europe (Eurostat : Theme 3)
Euro-Mercosur Statistics (Eurostat theme 1: General statistics)
Towards Environmental Pressure Indicators for the EU
Environmental Protection Expenditure by the European Union Institutions (Eurostat theme 8: Environment & energy)
Social Protection Expenditure and Receipts
Banking in Europe
Use of Administrative Sources for Business Statistics Purposes
Workshop on the Role of Labour Cost Information in Short-term Analysis in the Context of Monetary Union
Balance of Payments of the European Union Institutions (Eurostat theme 2: Economy & finance)
Distributive Trade Statistics in the PHARE Countries (Eurostat theme 4: Industry, trade & services)