663 books • 75 series
Lakeland Anthology
A Description of the Lakes (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834)
The Illustrated Wordsworth's Guide to the Lakes
Shorter Poems, 1807-1820 (The Cornell Wordsworth)
Selected Poems and Prefaces (Riverside Editions S.)
Essential Wordsworth
The White Doe of Rylstone, Or, the Fate of the Nortons (The Cornell Wordsworth)
Selected Prose (Classics)
Literary Criticism
The Tuft of Primroses with Other Late Poems for "The Recluse" (The Cornell Wordsworth)
The Poetry of William Wordsworth (Arcturus Great Poets Library)
The Fourteen-Book Prelude (The Cornell Wordsworth)
Peter Bell (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834) (The Cornell Wordsworth)
The Ruined Cottage
William Wordsworth: The Pedlar, Tintern Abbey, the Two-Part Prelude
Selected Works (Oxford Authors S.)
Descriptive Sketches (The Cornell Wordsworth)
An Evening Walk (The Cornell Wordsworth) (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834) (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834) (Revolution & Romanticism S., 1789-1834)
The Borderers (The Cornell Wordsworth)
The Love Letters
The Love Letters of William and Mary Wordsworth
The Letters (Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth) (Oxford Paperbacks)
Benjamin the Waggoner (The Cornell Wordsworth)
Wordsworth Literary Criticism