663 books • 75 series
Letters of the Wordsworth Family from 1787 to 1855. Collected and Edited by William Knight Volume 3
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 4)
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 5)
Wordsworth, an Anthology
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 2)
Tract on the Convention of Cintra, Published 1809, with Two Letters of Wordswoth Written in the Year 1811; Now Republished with an Introd. by
A Selection from the Sonnets of William Wordsworth
Poems, Chosen and Edited by Matthew Arnold
Select Poems of William Wordsworth
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 6)
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 3)
Poetical Works, with a Memoir (Volume 7)
Lyrical Ballads, (Volume 1)
Prose Writings of Wordsworth
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, with a Life of the Author
Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820
Two Odes
The Poetical Works Of William Wordsworth - Vol 2
The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth
Poems in Two Volumes
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth (1870)
Poems (1815)
Wordsworth's Excursion
Poems (1897)