Book 3

Farmed And Dangerous

by Edith Maxwell

Published 1 January 2015
"Cam is finding the New Year just as hectic as the old one. Her sometimes rocky relationship with Chef Jake Ericsson is in a deep freeze, she's struggling to provide the promised amount of food to the subscribers in her first winter CSA, and her new greenhouse might just collapse from the weight of the snow. Supplying fresh ingredients for a dinner at the local assisted living facility seems like the least of her worries--until one of the elderly residents dies after eating some of her produce"--Dust jacket flap.

Book 5

Mulch Ado About Murder

by Edith Maxwell

Published 30 May 2017
"It's been a hot, dry spring in Westbury, Massachusetts. As organic farmer Cam Flaherty waits for much-needed rain, storm clouds of mystery begin to gather. Once again, it's time to put away her sun hat and put on her sleuthing cap... May has been anything but merry for Cam so far. Her parents have arrived unexpectedly and her crops are in danger of withering away. But all of that's nothing compared to the grim fate that lies in store for one of her neighbors. Nicole Kingsbury is the proud owner of the town's new hydroponic greenhouse. She claims the process will be 100% organic, but she uses chemicals to feed her crops. To Cam's surprise, her mother embarrasses her by organizing a series of loud public protests against Nicole's operation. When Nicole is found dead in a vat of hydroponic slurry--clutching another set of rosary beads--Detective Pete Pappas has a new murder to solve. Showers may be scarce this spring, but there's no shortage of suspects, including the dead woman's embittered exhusband, the Other Man whose affair ruined their marriage, and Cam's own mother. Lucky for Cam, her father turns out to have a knack for sleuthing--not to mention dealing with chickens. Will he and Cam be able to clear Mrs. Flaherty's name before the killer strikes again?"--Dust jacket flap.

"It's harvest time in Westbury, Massachusetts, and novice farmer Cameron Flaherty hopes to make a killing selling organic produce. But when a killer strikes on her property, her first foray into the world of organic farming yields a bumper crop of locally sourced murder" -- from publisher's web page.