Genre: Traditional tale

Learning Objectives:

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Explore how particular words are used, including words and expressions with similar meanings.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Sustain form in narrative, including use of person and time (e.g. writing about story characters).

Genre: traditional tale

Learning Objectives: 

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Explore how particular words are used, including words and expressions with similar meanings.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Sustain form in narrative, including use of person and time (e.g. writing about story characters).

Part of Rigby Star Guided series this is the only programme built specifically for guided reading. Its rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts by top quality authors and illustrators are guarantreed to captivate children and facilitate discussion.

Part of Rigby Star Guided series this is the only programme built specifically for guided reading. Its rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts by top quality authors and illustrators are guarantreed to captivate children and facilitate discussion.

Genre: Fantasy animal story with patterned language.

Learning Objectives: Word Recognition

Strand 5: Read some high frequency words.

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Show an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence of events, and openings.

Genre: Fantasy story with a predictable structure and patterned language.

Learning Objectives: Word Recognition

Strand 5: Read simple words by sounding out blending the phonemes all through the words from left to right (CVC words).

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of stories.

Genre: Realistic story with familiar characters and patterned language.

Learning Objectives: Word Recognition

Strand 5: Read simple words by sounding out and blending the phonemes all through the word from left to right.

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on the language patterns of stories.

Genre: A play with a familiar setting, patterned language and predictable structure.

Learning Objectives:

Word Recognition

Strand 5: Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable.

Language Comprehension

Strand 4: Act out stories, using...

Read more

Genre: A modern story with a predictable structure and a familiar theme and setting.

Learning Objectives:

Word Recognition

Strand 5: Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable.

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events...

Read more

Genre: Modern story with animal characters and a theme of conversation.

Learning Objectives:

Word Recognition

Strand 5: Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable.

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Use syntax and context when reading for...

Read more

Genre: Animal fantasy story

Learning Objectives:

Language Comprehension

Strand 8: Engage with books by exploring and enacting interpretations.

Writing Opportunities

Strand 9: Draw on knowledge and experience of texts in deciding what to write (e.g. draw on text knowledge when writing about personal experiences).

Genre: A fantasy story with animal characters and a theme of bullying.

Learning Objectives:

Word Recognition

Strand 5: Recognize and use alternative ways of spelling the phonemes already taught, for example, that the grapheme 'oo' is pronounced differently in 'Moose' and 'took'..

Language Comprehension

Strand 7: Identify the main events and characters in...

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Genre: Modern realistic story with familiar setting, two characters and patterned language in question and answer format.

Learning Objectives: Word Recognition

Strand 5: Recognize automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words.

Language Comprehension

Strand 8: Visualise and comment on events, characters, and ideas, making imaginative links to their own experiences.