Business Recovery Planning (or rather the lack of it amongst most UK companies) has been increasingly in the news in recent years. This book argues the case for every company (of all shapes and sizes) to consider the impact a disaster would have on their business. It covers issues such as:

Where is your company going wrong

What is insured.

How a plan should be developed

How to handle disaster when it happens

How to cope with the aftermath of disaster

How to implement a recovery plan

In modern business practice, the help desk or helpline is commonplace. This text is aimed at the manager who has the task of providing that support to customers, and addresses deciding what your help desk does, recruiting staff, tools for improvement and communications for customer satisfaction.

Outsourcing in a Week

by Jacqueline Chapman

Published 26 September 2003
Outsourcing is a growing trend in businesses of all sizes. Organisations are increasingly seeing the value of allowing other companies to carry out non core activities leaving the core to concentrate on what it's good at.

This book covers a range of key issues that any SME owner or manager would need to consider before making the step to outsourcing, including how to handle the tendering process, contractual concerns and staff considerations. The book's main message is that outsourcing is not just a one-off arrangement, but an ongoing project that needs to be maintained and built upon.