Book 18

Accuracy, reliability, verifiable and error-free results - these are the goals that anyone involved in survey interviewing desires. A practical guide to producing standardized - and reliable - interviews, this volume represents a blending of social science theories of interviewing dynamics, the authors' own extensive research on interview-related error and a compilation of research evidence from other prominent methodologists.

How to avoid errors, sampling design issues, question construction methods, supervision techniques, training methods and the organization of data collection staffs are all thoroughly examined. In addition, prescriptions for improving the quality of survey data results are clear and concise. Both students learning survey research methods for the first time and experienced, active researchers will find this volume indispensable.

Book 40

Mail Surveys

by Thomas W. Mangione

Published 1 August 1995
Students and researchers who want to improve the quality of their mail-survey data collection will find this book invaluable. The author considers such issues as: reducing sampling bias; questioning response errors; and obtaining good response rates from a mail surveys. The book also offers useful insights and tips on: problems to avoid in mail surveys; what type of rating scales to use; open-ended versus closed-ended questions; screening questions and skip instructions; question and response order effects; sampling strategies; and ways to reduce nonresponse errors - for example, by prenotification or incentives.