Refresh Your Spirit

by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning

Published 1 January 1998
AUDIOTAPE This audio program helps you enjoy the benefit of imagining yourself in a peaceful natural setting and listening to a nourishing inner voice. This audio program contains voice recordings only.22.45 minutes.

Relieve Your Worry

by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning

Published 1 August 1997
This audio cassette features four techniques for letting go of anxious or negative thoughts, freeing yourself from worries and finding joy in the here and now.

Calm Your Mind

by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning

Published 1 August 1997
From the Daily Relaxer comes this series of five cassettes of relaxation exercises and original New Age compositions. each tape includes four five-minute exercises that can be mastered quickly and practised with positive results right away. Improve Your Mood has exercises for healing sadness and for recalling sources of nourishment and pleasure. Relax Your Body includes deep breathing exercises for reducing physical tension. Calm Your Mind contains exercises of peaceful reflection. Refresh Your Spirit has four exercises for stopping and listening to the inner voice, and Relieve Your Worry tackles panic and negative thoughts with four exercises for freeing yourself from worry and finding joy in the here and now.

Improve Your Mood

by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning

Published 1 January 1998
AUDIOTAPE This audio program helps you recall healing sources of nourishment and pleasure and connect with times in the past when you felt calm and confident. This audio program contains voice recordings only.Four approximately five-minute exercises: nourishment from the past; gratitude; treasure chest; anchoring.23.52 minutes

Relax Your Body

by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning

Published 1 August 1997
Accompanied by soothing new-age compositions, this audio cassette provides four of the most effective techniques for reducing physical tensions and relaxing anywhere, anytime and with almost instant effectiveness.