Book 6

An exploration of contemporary sex stereotypes and their prevalence in different cultures is provided in this volume.

The authors surpass previous studies in three areas: their data covers thirty nations; they test both children and adults and they examine their findings from three theoretical perspectives - affective meanings, ego states and psychological needs. They also examine the practical implications of pan-cultural stereotypes. Since the publication of the original 1982 edition, new adult data from Singapore and Portugal have also been included.

Book 13

Sex and Psyche

by John E. Williams and Deborah L. Best

Published 1 April 1990
Women's and men's self-concepts in relation to physical attributes such as relative strength, and to country-specific sex stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, are examined in this volume. Using extensive data collected in fourteen countries the authors also consider sex role ideologies viewed along a continuum ranging from traditional male dominated to modern egalitarian views. They explore both pan-cultural similarities and cross-cultural differences.