
by Neal Reid and etc.

Published 30 May 1982
This calculus book has been updated to include calculator/computer technology. The broad use of applications and the examples and exercises aim to reinforce conceptualization of the subject matter. In addition to covering topics in calculus of a single variable, this book also includes third semester calculus material.

International Business

by John D. Daniels and etc.

Published 1 January 1976

John Daniels and Lee Radebaugh share their first hand knowledge of international business through this new edition of their market leading textbook. This textbook thoroughly discusses the differences faced in international environments, the overall strategies that companies can take, and the functional alternatives for operating abroad. Cited as having...

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Designed for a calculus-based introductory course for engineers and scientists, this second edition retains its student oriented, specific-to-general approach which provides clear, easily understood presentations of difficult and complex materials, and uses models frequently to help explain difficult concepts. It retains its early treatment of Newton's law of gravitation...Read more


by James L. Gibson and etc.

Published December 1979
This text covers both micro and macro topics, continuing the research base set by previous editions. Each chapter contains close-up boxes, case for analysis and experimental exercise which provide the student with real-world applications.

This research/theory based text cites the theoretical foundations of sales mangement. The material in previous editions has been expanded to include empowerment, stress management, leadership and strategic management. Experimental applications are also included appearing at the end of the chapters, providing the student with the opportunity to work relevant...Read more

Taking a much more strategic approach, the focus, of this book, is on the full range of cost drivers within the value chain rather than on just the distinctions between product/non-product costs and unit-variable/fixed costs.Specially designed for managerial accountants, this updated edition thoroughly integrates issues that have emerged during...Read more