Year 8 Teacher's Resource B2

by Catherine Berry and Et Al

Published 30 November 2001
Aiming to ensure continued momentum for the National Numeracy Strategy from primary schools to secondary schools, the Formula One Maths series features lesson based on the successful format of the numeracy lesson. Each double page spread is designed to cover one lesson, with the content to be taught followed...Read more

Aiming to ensure continued momentum for the National Numeracy Strategy from primary schools to secondary schools, the Formula One Maths series features lesson based on the successful format of the numeracy lesson. Each double page spread is designed to cover one lesson, with the content to be taught followed...Read more

Aiming to ensure continued momentum for the National Numeracy Strategy from primary schools to secondary schools, the Formula One Maths series features lesson based on the successful format of the numeracy lesson. Each double page spread is designed to cover one lesson, with the content to be taught followed...Read more

Formula One Maths

by Peter Bland and Roger Porkess

Published 25 August 2000
Aiming to ensure continued momentum for the National Numeracy Strategy from primary schools to secondary schools, the Formula One Maths series features lesson based on the successful format of the numeracy lesson. Each double page spread is designed to cover one lesson, with the content to be taught followed...Read more

Formula One Maths is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all programmes of study in the new National Curriculum for Maths at Key Stage 3. The course also gives complete coverage of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy Framework for teaching mathematics: Years 7, 8...

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Formula One Maths is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all programmes of study in the new National Curriculum for Maths at Key Stage 3. The course also gives complete coverage of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy Framework for teaching mathematics: Years 7, 8...

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September 2000 marks the advent of the National Numeracy Strategy in secondary schools. In response to this fundamental change in mathematics teaching, the aim of the Formula One Maths series is to ensure that pupils progress well throughout Key Stage 3, and build upon the skills they have already...

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Formula One Maths Euro Edition is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all areas of junior secondary mathematics. The course incorporates a new, exciting and interactive approach to maths at this level.

The textbooks present mathematics in both new and familiar contexts, encouraging pupils to...

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Formula One Maths Euro Edition is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all areas of junior secondary mathematics. The course incorporates a new, exciting and interactive approach to maths at this level.

This Practice Book is designed to complement the Formula One Maths textbook. It...

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Formula One Maths

by Catherine Berry and Et Al

Published 5 June 2000
Aiming to ensure continued momentum for the National Numeracy Strategy from primary schools to secondary schools, the Formula One Maths series features lesson based on the successful format of the numeracy lesson. Each double page spread is designed to cover one lesson, with the content to be taught followed...Read more

Formula One Maths Gold is a unique and carefully structured course designed especially for students in Years 7--9, working around Levels 2--5. Fully in line with the National Strategy: Framework for Teaching Mathematics and developed in accordance with the Basic Skills Agency's guidance for maximum accessibility, Formula One Maths...Read more

Formula One Maths Gold is a unique and carefully structured course designed especially for students in Years 7-9, working around Levels 2-5. Fully in line with the National Strategy: Framework for Teaching Mathematics and developed in accordance with the Basic Skills Agency's guidance for maximum accessibility, Formula One Maths...Read more

Formula One Maths Euro Edition is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all areas of junior secondary mathematics. The course incorporates a new, exciting and interactive approach to maths at this level.

The Teacher's Pack contains a general introduction to the course, guidance and...

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Formula One Maths is a unique and carefully structured course designed to fully cover all programmes of study in the new National Curriculum for Maths at Key Stage 3. The course also gives complete coverage of the National Strategy Framework for teaching mathematics: Years 7, 8 and 9. Incorporating...

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The aim of the Formula One Maths series is to ensure that pupils progress well throughout Key Stage 3, and build upon the skills they have already acquired. The A2 books are specially designed for use in year 7: pupils cover all the material in the National Numeracy Strategy's...

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