Start to Finish
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The Foiling Dinghy Book - Dinghy Foiling from Start to Finish
by Alan Hillman
Published 6 March 2018
Since the development of the International Moth into a fully foiling dinghy there has been an explosion in the popularity of the class with some of the world's top sailors competing in it and many others enjoying the exhilaration of `flying'. However there is no doubt that it is...Read more
Since the development of the International Moth into a fully foiling dinghy there has been an explosion in the popularity of the class with some of the world's top sailors competing in it and many others enjoying the exhilaration of `flying'. However there is no doubt that it is a challenge to learn to fly a Moth and other designs are being introduced which are easier to sail and provide foiling opportunities for less dedicated, larger and less agile sailors. This book, the first to be published on dinghy foiling, explains how foils work and how to foil in the International Moth, Waszp and F101. Anyone who can sail a fast planing dinghy like the Laser should be able to foil and this book takes you through the skills and techniques required. Starting with the theory, the book goes through rigging and launching, then low-ride sailing, tacking and gybing before moving onto flying and, of course, the foiling gybe and tack. All illustrated by hundreds of colour photographs and many diagrams. Alan Hillman has taught hundreds of sailors to foil, including some of the top names. Through this book his expertise is available to everyone and there is no excuse not to get up on the foils and fly!
The Laser is the world's most popular adult dinghy and comes with three rigs: Standard (used by men at the Olympic games), Radial (used by women at the Olympic games) and 4.7 (used by young people moving up from the Optimist). But the boat is not restricted to top...Read more
The Laser is the world's most popular adult dinghy and comes with three rigs: Standard (used by men at the Olympic games), Radial (used by women at the Olympic games) and 4.7 (used by young people moving up from the Optimist). But the boat is not restricted to top athletes; its versatility means that it is an ideal boat for beginners and club racers too. Lasers can be found at nearly every sailing club throughout the world. Targeted at the club sailor, The Laser Book covers the techniques and skills needed to succeed in Laser sailing, for those starting out through to those striving to win their Club Championship. Whether you are a youngster moving up to a 4.7 or a club sailor looking to improve your results, expert advice from author Tim Davison, plus contributions from Laser gold medallists, world champions and their coaches, will take your Laser sailing to the next level. Beginning with setting up the boat, Davison takes you through your early sailing experiences and caring for your Laser. Developing your skills on all points of sailing, you will then be introduced to race tuning and racing itself. This is detailed for all three Laser rigs, including the new Mk2 Standard sail. Over 350 photographs show you exactly how it's done and 50 diagrams illustrate key boat parts, the different points of sailing and complex on-the-water scenarios with clarity. Whatever your background, your current level or the extent of your ambition, this book gives you all the tools you need to get out on the water and improve your Laser sailing.
The Mirror dinghy was a significant factor in the boom of dinghy sailing in the 1960s, introducing thousands to the delights of sailing. While sailing has come a long way since then and there have been a lot of far more exotic craft launched, the Mirror remains a fantastic...Read more
The Mirror dinghy was a significant factor in the boom of dinghy sailing in the 1960s, introducing thousands to the delights of sailing. While sailing has come a long way since then and there have been a lot of far more exotic craft launched, the Mirror remains a fantastic boat in which to learn to sail and to compete at the highest levels. With this second edition, The Mirror Book has been bought into the Start to Finish series format alongside such revered books as The Laser Book and The Topper Book, The Catamaran Book and The Foiling Dinghy Book. Like these titles, this book tells you everything you need to know about sailing the Mirror (whether it be the original gaff-rigged boat or has the newer Bermuda rig). Written for both those starting out through to those striving to win a championship, the book is packed with practical advice and illustrated with step-by-step photographs. It covers: setting up the Mirror and early sailing experiences; developing skills on all points of sailing and with the spinnaker; racing & masterclasses to become a championship winner. Over 180 photographs show you exactly how it's done, and 72 diagrams illustrate key boat parts, the different points of sailing and complex on-the-water scenarios with clarity. It is written by Peter Aitken, formerly the UK National Mirror Coach, who has coached teams to win world championships in the Mirror, Cadet and 420 classes, and Tim Davison, a successful racer and author of countless books on sailing. The UK Mirror Class Association have contributed to this update and it is endorsed by Dave Wade, double Mirror National Champion, who says: "Armed with this book, your understanding of Mirror sailing techniques will grow, and your results will improve. I thoroughly recommend it."
The Topper is a brilliant boat - just under 50,000 have been sold and thousands of people learn the basic skills in Toppers every year. This is the only book which shows you how to rig, sail and race - right up to World Champion standard. It is packed...Read more
The Topper is a brilliant boat - just under 50,000 have been sold and thousands of people learn the basic skills in Toppers every year. This is the only book which shows you how to rig, sail and race - right up to World Champion standard. It is packed full of advice, go-fast tips, photo sequences and diagrams. It starts by describing how to rig and sail the boat before moving on to racing and providing master classes for success in competitions.