Lean Revolution

by Leslie Kenton

Published 6 January 1994

Juice High

by Leslie Kenton and Russell Cronin

Published 6 June 1996
The authors of this book claim that raw fruit and vegetable juices can energize your life, rejuvenate your body, expand your mind and free your spirit. Included is the Juice Blitz - a one-day detox programme as well as the High Life Diet which uses fresh juices to help revolutionize your life.

10 Day De-stress Plan

by Leslie Kenton

Published 6 January 1994
Living a high-energy lifestyle without taking drugs, gulping coffee or rapidly burning yourself out depends on your being able to let go at will. Stress in itself is not a bad thing. It is the spice of life and the exhilaration of challenge and excitement, but too much can be destructive. Stress and relaxation are like two sides of a coin. Learning to move at will from one to the other will produce greater energy, more enthusiasm and a higher level of satisfaction with your life. This easy-to-follow ten-day-plan is designed to help the reader learn to master stress easily with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of pleasure using dietary change, self-awareness, breathing, deep relaxation and other techniques for rebalancing the nervous system to help create a new positive lifestyle. It describes where to get extra nutritional support where needed, the keys for transforming nervous tension into energy, and how to stop worrying and start living.

Raw Energy Recipes

by Leslie Kenton

Published 21 March 1985
"Raw energy" showed how a diet of 75% fresh, uncooked foods encouraged weight loss and a feeling of greater fitness and vitality. This companion book includes recipes for every occasion, from nourishing breakfast mueslis, yoghurts and herb teas to unusual salad platters, nut and seed cheeses and ideas for raw-energy packed lunches. There are also tea-time treats for children, such as apple spice cake and carob fudge, high-energy drinks and even a raw-food banquet for entertaining lots of friends. Also included are a chapter for slimmers, advice on how to cook the 25% of the diet which isn't raw, and stocking the raw-energy kitchen.

Cellulite Revolution

by Leslie Kenton

Published 16 March 1992
Cellulite is an indication that the body is polluted and has lost its natural balance. If one wants to get rid of it, nothing short of a revolution in body ecology is called for. This book offers a practical six-step plan for revolutionizing, rebalancing and re-establishing a healthy body ecology and so living cellulite-free.

10 Steps to Energy

by Leslie Kenton

Published 2 January 1997
We have all experienced that feeling of after-work exhaustion when all you want to do is curl up on the sofa. So how do you get more energy? The author believes this can be done by tapping into high levels of energy through what you eat, think, feel, how you move and relate to your life.

10 Day Clean-up Plan

by Leslie Kenton

Published 6 January 1986
An easy-to-follow diet and all the practical advice and directions for a ten-day revitalization programme. Designed to eliminate the toxic and waste products that build up in the cells, this is a spring-clean plan that revitalizes the system through exercise, relaxation techniques and diet. The author also wrote "The Joy of Beauty", "Ultrahealth", "Raw Energy", "Ageless Ageing" and "The Biogenic Diet".

10 Day Rejuvenation Plan

by Leslie Kenton

Published 19 September 1996