From a full-colour picture index which features every dish in the book to detailed step-by-step photographs for the recipes, this book makes cooking a souffle or creating an imaginative meal for 12 people as easy as boiling an egg. With over 750 recipes there is something for every occasion, including both traditional favourites and imaginative dishes from a variety of international cuisines, from chilli prawns to honeyed lamb noisettes, with extensive chapters on vegetarian cooking and pasta. Preparation and cooking times, freezing instructions and calorie counts are given and every recipe has been double-tested according to the rigorous standards of the Good Housekeeping Institute.

A one-volume reference packed with all the practical instructions and emotional guidance which parents are likely to need at any point in their child's development. Beginning with pregnancy and continuing right through to adolescence, it combines accessible practical information with sensible, expert advice on the kind of issues which are most likely to trouble parents, from dealing with breast-feeding problems to how to spot learning difficulties early on. The book is illustrated throughout with colour illustrations which cover everything from changing nappies to how to give emergency first aid. An extensive A-Z Child Health section also provides at-a-glance reference for both common and serious illnesses and the action which parents should take.

This guide is a collection of tried-and-tested remedies, from herbal teas to soothing lotions. At a time when more people are turning to natural solutions in preference to chemical substances, this book offers a wealth of recipes which make the most of ingredients which can be found in the home, the garden and the countryside. Tested by medical experts, this book should be a useful addition to any caring family's medicine cabinet. It is a companion to Linda Gray's "'Good Housekeeping' Traditional Hints & Tips".

This guide provides the basis of an enjoyment of cookery, starting at the very beginning. The new cook is introduced to a collection of recipes for every occasion, whether simple or sophisticated, and is encouraged to develop modern kitchen skills. Step-by-step instructions and easy-to-understand drawings show even the most tentative beginner how to become a practised expert. Every dish is double-tested by the Good Housekeeping Institute and the book includes kitchen hints and tips, advice on food shopping and preparation, and delicious recipes.

All recipes in this book are double-tested in the kitchens of "The Good Housekeeping Institute". Advice and topics ranging from nutrition and menu planning to microwaving and freezing are included. There is a new chapter on vegetarian dishes and additional recipes for fish, shellfish and pasta as well as ideas for cooking with new cuts of meat and a wide range of ingredients.